Orion API Reference

Orion is a Buck2 controller with an HTTP API interface.


A build task contains 3 steps & 2 API endpoints.

  • start a build task
  • get the build output (SSE)
  • get notification when the build is done

Start a build task

Request to start a build task.

POST /build

Request Body

Content-Type: application/json

  • repo (string): The name of the repository.
  • target (string): The build target.
  • args (array of string): Optional. An array of extra build arguments.
  • webhook (string): Optional. The webhook URL to notify (POST) once the build is complete.
  "repo": "hello_world",
  "target": "//:main",
  "args": [],
  "webhook": "https://webhook.site/11ee0e3b-f803-4baa-b993-fb0abbf15c23"


  • id (string): The build ID.
  • success (boolean): Whether the build task is started successfully.
  • message (string): sth. like "Build started".
  "success": true,
  "id": "0193ed6c-3e61-7290-ace2-d8b26adfb1ef",
  "message": "Build started"


The build server will send a POST request to the webhook URL once the build is complete.

Request Body
  • id (string): The build ID.
  • success (boolean): Whether the build task is successful.
  • exit_code (number, i32): The exit code of the build task. null if build failed or stopped by signal.
  • message (string): sth. like "Build success".
  "success": true,
  "id": "0193ed6c-3e61-7290-ace2-d8b26adfb1ef",
  "exit_code": 0,
  "message": "Build success"

Get the build output

Get the build output in real-time by the build ID.
If the build has ended, all the output will be sent in one event.

GET /build-output/{id}

Path Params

  • id (string): The build ID.
GET /build-output/0193ed6c-3e61-7290-ace2-d8b26adfb1ef


The build server will send the build output as Server-Sent Events (SSE).

  • Content-Type: text/event-stream