Configuration File

Config `confg.toml` file for the Mega project.


  • Default: automatically load config.toml in current directory.
  • Specify manually: use --config "/path/to/config.toml"


  • You can use environment variables starting with MEGA_ to override the configuration in config.toml.
    • like MEGA_BASE_DIR to override base_dir. // with env::set_var()
    • use separator __ (2 * _) for nested keys, like MEGA_LOG__LOG_PATH for log.log_path.
  • Support ${} syntax to reference other keys in the same file.
    • like log_path = "${base_dir}/logs", ${base_dir} will be replaced by the value of base_dir
    • or key = "${xxx.yyy}/zzz" (prefix xxx. can't be omitted)
    • only support String type
    • substitute from up to down
    • see codes in


# the directory where the data files is located, such as logs, database, etc.
# can be overrided by environment variable `MEGA_BASE_DIR`
base_dir = "/tmp/.mega"

# Filling the following environment variables with values you set
## Logging Configuration
# The path which log file is saved
log_path = "${base_dir}/logs"

# log level
level = "debug"

# print std log in console, disable it on production for performance
print_std = true

# "sqlite" | "postgres"
# "sqlite" will use `db_path` and ignore `db_url`
db_type = "postgres"

# used for sqlite
db_path = "${base_dir}/mono.db"

# database connection url
db_url = "postgres://mono:mono@localhost:5432/mono"

# db max connection, setting it to twice the number of CPU cores would be appropriate.
max_connection = 32

# db min connection, setting it to the number of CPU cores would be appropriate.
min_connection = 16

# Whether to disabling SQLx Log
sqlx_logging = false


obs_access_key = ""
obs_secret_key = ""

# cloud storage region
obs_region = "cn-east-3"

# Override the endpoint URL used for remote storage services
obs_endpoint = ""

# Support http authentication, login in with github and generate token before push
enable_http_auth = false

# Enable a test user for debugging and development purposes.
# If set to true, the service allows using a predefined test user for authentication.
enable_test_user = true

# Specify the name of the test user.
# This is only relevant if `enable_test_user` is set to true.
test_user_name = "mega"

# Specify the token for the test user.
# This is used for authentication when `enable_test_user` is set to true.
test_user_token = "mega"

## Only import directory support multi-branch commit and tag, monorepo only support main branch
## Mega treats files under this directory as import repo and other directories as monorepo
import_dir = "/third-part"

# Set System Admin in directory init, replace the admin's github username here
admin = "admin"

# Set serveral root dirs in directory init
root_dirs = ["third-part", "project", "doc", "release"]

# The maximum memory used by decode, Unit is GB
pack_decode_mem_size = 4

# The location where the object stored when the memory used by decode exceeds the limit
pack_decode_cache_path = "${base_dir}/cache"

clean_cache_after_decode = true

# The maximum meesage size in channel buffer while decode
channel_message_size = 1_000_000

# Maximum pack size, unit GB, enforces to use LFS off the limit
maximum_pack_size = 4

# LFS Server url
url = "http://localhost:8000"

# set the local path of the lfs storage
lfs_obj_local_path = "${base_dir}/lfs"

## IMPORTANT: The 'enable_split' feature can only be enabled for new databases. Existing databases do not support this feature.
# Enable or disable splitting large files into smaller chunks
enable_split = true  # Default is disabled. Set to true to enable file splitting.

# Size of each file chunk when splitting is enabled, in bytes. Ignored if splitting is disabled.
split_size = 20971520 # Default size is 20MB (20971520 bytes)

# GitHub OAuth application client id and secret
github_client_id = ""
github_client_secret = ""

# Used for redirect to ui after login, for example:
ui_domain = "http://localhost:3000"

# Set your own domain here, for example:
cookie_domain = "localhost"