Git Protocol API Reference
HTTP implement for git transfer data between two repositories
Discovering References
When the client initially connects the server will immediately respond with a version number, and a listing of each reference it has (all branches and tags) along with the object name that each reference currently points to.
As the git protocol docs says:
HTTP clients that support the "smart" protocol (or both the "smart" and "dumb" protocols) MUST discover references by making a parameterized request for the info/refs file of the repository.
The request MUST contain exactly one query parameter, service=$servicename, where $servicename MUST be the service name the client wishes to contact to complete the operation. The request MUST NOT contain additional query parameters.
Because we follow the monorepo concept, the access path is different from GitHub’s default two-level structure
; instead, it resembles a file directory with multiple levels.
GET ${API_ENDPOINT}/[...PATH]/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack
Smart server reply
The Content-Type MUST be application/x-$servicename-advertisement.
S: 200 OK
S: Content-Type: application/x-git-upload-pack-advertisement
S: Cache-Control: no-cache
S: 001e# service=git-upload-pack\n
S: 0000
S: 004895dcfa3633004da0049d3d0fa03f80589cbcaf31 refs/heads/maint\0multi_ack\n
S: 003fd049f6c27a2244e12041955e262a404c7faba355 refs/heads/master\n
S: 003c2cb58b79488a98d2721cea644875a8dd0026b115 refs/tags/v1.0\n
S: 003fa3c2e2402b99163d1d59756e5f207ae21cccba4c refs/tags/v1.0^{}\n
S: 0000
Servers MUST terminate the response with the magic 0000 end pkt-line marker.
The returned response is a pkt-line stream
describing each ref and its known value. The stream SHOULD be sorted by name according to the C locale ordering. The stream SHOULD include the default ref named HEAD as the first ref
. The stream MUST include capability declarations
behind a NUL on the first ref.
The returned response contains "version 1" if "version=1" was sent as an Extra Parameter.
smart_reply = PKT-LINE("# service=$servicename" LF)
*1("version 1")
ref_list = empty_list / non_empty_list
empty_list = PKT-LINE(zero-id SP "capabilities^{}" NUL cap-list LF)
non_empty_list = PKT-LINE(obj-id SP name NUL cap_list LF)
cap-list = capability *(SP capability)
capability = 1*(LC_ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_")
LC_ALPHA = %x61-7A
ref_record = any_ref / peeled_ref
any_ref = PKT-LINE(obj-id SP name LF)
peeled_ref = PKT-LINE(obj-id SP name LF)
PKT-LINE(obj-id SP name "^{}" LF
Smart Service git-receive-pack
Pushing data to a server will invoke the receive-pack process on the server, which will allow the client to tell it which references it should update and then send all the data the server will need for those new references to be complete. Once all the data is received and validated, the server will then update its references to what the client specified.
Clients MUST first perform ref discovery
POST ${API_ENDPOINT}/[...PATH]/git-receive-pack
C: POST $GIT_URL/git-receive-pack HTTP/1.0
C: Content-Type: application/x-git-receive-pack-request
C: ....0a53e9ddeaddad63ad106860237bbf53411d11a7 441b40d833fdfa93eb2908e52742248faf0ee993 refs/heads/maint\0 report-status
C: 0000
C: PACK....
S: 200 OK
S: Content-Type: application/x-git-receive-pack-result
S: Cache-Control: no-cache
S: ....
Clients MUST send at least one command in the request body. Within the command portion of the request body clients SHOULD send the id obtained through ref discovery as old_id.
update_request = command_list
"PACK" <binary data>
command_list = PKT-LINE(command NUL cap_list LF)
command_pkt = PKT-LINE(command LF)
cap_list = *(SP capability) SP
command = create / delete / update
create = zero-id SP new_id SP name
delete = old_id SP zero-id SP name
update = old_id SP new_id SP name
Smart Service git-upload-pack
When one Git repository wants to get data that a second repository has, the first can fetch from the second. This operation determines what data the server has that the client does not then streams that data down to the client in Pack file format.
Clients MUST first perform ref discovery
POST ${API_ENDPOINT}/[...PATH]/git-upload-pack
C: POST $GIT_URL/git-upload-pack HTTP/1.0
C: Content-Type: application/x-git-upload-pack-request
C: 0032want 0a53e9ddeaddad63ad106860237bbf53411d11a7\n
C: 0032have 441b40d833fdfa93eb2908e52742248faf0ee993\n
C: 0000
S: 200 OK
S: Content-Type: application/x-git-upload-pack-result
S: Cache-Control: no-cache
S: ....ACK %s, continue
S: ....NAK
Clients MUST NOT reuse or revalidate a cached response. Servers MUST include sufficient Cache-Control headers to prevent caching of the response.
Servers SHOULD support all capabilities defined here.
Clients MUST send at least one "want" command in the request body. Clients MUST NOT reference an id in a "want" command which did not appear in the response obtained through ref discovery unless the server advertises capability allow-tip-sha1-in-want or allow-reachable-sha1-in-want.
compute_request = want_list
request_end = "0000" / "done"
want_list = PKT-LINE(want SP cap_list LF)
want_pkt = PKT-LINE(want LF)
want = "want" SP id
cap_list = capability *(SP capability)
have_list = *PKT-LINE("have" SP id LF)