Fetch Merge Request List

Fetch a paginated list of Merge Requests (MRs) based on their status. This API allows filtering of MRs by their status (open, closed, or all) and supports pagination.


POST /api/v1/mr/list

Request Params:

  1. Request Params
paginationYPagination ObjectBody
additionalYPagination Additional ObjectBody
  1. Pagination Object
pageYintegerThe page number for pagination
per_pageYintegerThe number of results per page
  1. Pagination Additional Object
statusNstringThe status filter
- "open": Fetch only open merge requests.
- "closed": Fetch closed and merged merge requests.
- leave empty: Fetch merge requests with all statuses

Response Params:

  1. Common
totalintegertotal number of page
itemsarraymerge request list
  1. MR Items
linkstringThe generated MR link
titlestringThe title of the MR
statusstringThe status of the MR
open_timestampoptional integerThe time the MR was opened
merge_timestampintegerThe time the MR was merged
updated_atintegerThe time the MR was last updated

Request Example:

  "pagination": {
    "page": 1,        // The page number to fetch.
    "per_page": 10     // The number of items per page.
  "additional": {
    "status": "open"        // The status filter: "open", "closed", or leave empty for all status.

Response Example::

    "req_result": true,
    "data": {
        "total": 1,
        "items": [
                "link": "8WBZ4TVD",
                "title": "init code",
                "status": "open",
                "open_timestamp": 1733403354,
                "merge_timestamp": null,
                "updated_at": 1733403354
    "err_message": ""